Be the digital disrupter in your industry!

At YOPLABS, we help leading firms revolutionize their industries through technology. We harness our deep experience in digital start-ups and our entrepreneur DNA to co-create, develop and execute digital ecosystems tailored to your industry's specific needs.

Succeeding in digital innovation has become a pain point for many companies. That's why we created YOPLABS: to help leading firms ideate, develop and implement digital initiatives with truly disruptive potential..

Federico Giesenow

Managing Partner

Mario Santoyo

Business Partner - COO

Tomas Aberastury

Global Partner - CMO

Guido Grinbaum

Fundador Yopdev

Our model

Digital disruption as a service

1. Disrupt lab

  • We lead the development, execution, operation and scale-up of new digital business models for leading companies.
  • We co-create disruptive ideas validated through the YOPblueprint.
  • We build customized, leading edge, scalable digital products and platforms with intuitive UX.
  • We assign and lead dedicated 24/7 operational teams to fully run & scale the new initiative successfully.


  • We develop leading edge digital products & platforms that deliver results.
  • We lead product discovery focused on ensuring products & platforms are fit-for- purpose based on our deep operational experience.
  • We build customized, leading edge, scalable digital products and platforms with intuitive UX.


  • We help high potential digital startups launch & scale.
  • We refine ideas and business models together with founders.
  • We make tools and resources available to accelerate the launch and scale up of the new initiatives.

We exceed the expectations of our clients.

Our most relevant incubations

From pharma to pharma

Empowering personal security through a leading edge surveillance app.

One planet, one health


Client testimonies


Why did Coca-Cola, Unilever and Garbarino seek us out for their digital transformation?

YOPDev offers companies the «start-up concept» to launch products that serve the everchanging needs of their current clients

If you have a good idea, Arcor, Coca, Quilmes and Telefónica are listening: the reason why they are looking for you for their business.

YOPLABS changed their from YOPDev to emphasize that beyond softwared development, their focus is on «integrally incubating new digital businesses».

Android Excellence: Congratulations to the newly added apps and games

Kicking off the new year, we’re excited to welcome our latest group of Android Excellence apps and games. These awardees represent …

If you like our approach, contact us
