Liderá la disrupción digital de tu industria
En YOPLABS, ayudamos a las empresas líderes a revolucionar digitalmente sus industrias. Usamos nuestra profunda experiencia en start-ups digitales y nuestro ADN emprendedor para Co-crear, desarrollar y operar ecosistemas digitales a medida de sus necesidades.
Our model
Digital disruption as a service
1. Disrupt lab
We lead the development, execution, operation and scale-up of new digital business models for leading companies.
We build customized, leading edge, scalable digital products and platforms with intuitive UX.
Ayudamos a las startups digitales de alto potencial a lanzarse y escalar. Refinamos ideas y modelos de negocios junto con los fundadores.
Our most relevant incubations
From pharma to pharma
Potenciando la seguridad personal a través de una aplicación de vigilancia de vanguardia.
Increíble en cada detalle
One planet, one health
Reinventing the education experience
Las empresas tienen un punto débil a la hora de innovar digitalmente. Por eso creamos YOPLABS para ayudarlas
a pensar, desarrollar e implementar proyectos digitales que tengan un impacto transformacional.
Federico Giesenow
Managing Partner
Mario Santoyo
Business Partner – COO
Tomas Aberastury
Global Partner – CMO
Guido Grinbaum
Fundador Yopdev
Client testimonies
YOP en los medios
Why did Coca-Cola, Unilever and Garbarino seek us out for their digital transformation?
YOPDev offers companies the «start-up concept» to launch products that serve the everchanging needs of their current clients
If you have a good idea, Arcor, Coca, Quilmes and Telefónica are listening: the reason why they are looking for you for their business.
YOPLABS changed their from YOPDev to emphasize that beyond softwared development, their focus is on «integrally incubating new digital businesses».
Android Excellence: Congratulations to the newly added apps and games
Kicking off the new year, we’re excited to welcome our latest group of Android Excellence apps and games. These awardees represent …